Journalism and the Press

The press is a fundamental institution for the political development of contemporary societies, especially those that have democratic aspirations. Journalism is one of the practices that give life to this institution. An essential part of my work as an academic has been the study of journalism and the media in Mexico. The research I have done on the industrial and post-industrial press start from different dimensions (political, economic, environmental and cultural) and various theoretical frameworks (political economy, political communication, or sociology of news production).


Márquez-Ramírez, M., & Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2019). Mexico. In Media Landscapes. Expert Analyses of the State of the Media. Retrieved from


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2018). Analyzing Spatialization in Newspapers’ Production: A Case Study of Guadalajara’s Daily Press. International Journal of Communication, 12, 3473–3489.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2018). The Decline of the Industrial Press: Guadalajara’s Newspapers History (1991-2011). In M. E. Hernández Ramírez (Ed.), Mexican Studies on Journalism: Takeoff and Institutionalization (pp. 189–244). Guadalajara: University of Guadalajara.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2018). Journalistic Narratives and Collective Memory of an Urban Catastrophe: The Case of the April 22 Explosions in Guadalajara’s Newspapers. Comunicación y Sociedad, 0(31).


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2014). Changes in the Political Economy of Journalism: Pre-industrial, Industrial, and Post-Industrial Newspapers (Spanish). In R. Orozco Murillo (Ed.), Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Journalism (pp. 71–86). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.


Acosta Garcia, R., Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S., & Paláu Cardona, S. (2014). Public Decisions without Public Dialogue: Case Study of the Via Express in Guadalajara’s Newspapers. (Spanish) Comunicación y Sociedad, (21), 139–159.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2014). The Structure of Guadalajara’s Newspapers Industry (1990-2010) (Spanish). In F. Aceves González & F. Hernández (Eds.), Emerging approaches to the study of communication (pp. 41–70). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2012). History, Structure, Production, and Financing of Guadalajara’s Newspapers: 1990-2012. (Spanish) University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara.


Castro Rosales, E., Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S., & Reyes Ruiz, J. (2012). Environment and national press: marginality and little substance. (Spanish) In J. M. Ramos Rodríguez & E. Molina Carmona, Environmental Communication in Mexico: approaches, experiences, and perspectives (pp. 51–77). Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S., Castro Rosales, E., & Reyes Ruiz, J. (2012). Climate change in the national press: the media contribution to building an environmental culture. (Spanish) In B. Ortiz Espejel & C. Velasco Samperio, Social perception of climate change and guidelines for environmental education in Mexico (pp. 163–185). México: Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla.


Castro Rosales, E., Reyes Ruiz, J., & Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2011). Analysis of the Perspective on Climate Change in the National Written Press. (Spanish) Latapí, (2), 11–15.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2007). Election Process of Jalisco’s Ombudsman. Chronicle of Events and Analysis of Actors and Institutions. (Spanish) In Evaluation of the Election Process of Jalisco’s Ombudsman, 2007 (pp. 170–183). Guadalajara: CEPAD.


Larrosa-Fuentes, J. S. (2003). Analysis of the Impact that the Appearance of the Weekly Magazine Siete Días Caused in the Media Agenda of the Public Sphere in Sayula, Jalisco. ITESO, Guadalajara, México.